Family Court Scene

Judge to the child: Go with your father for an hour. Your mother will be right here when you come back.

Child (Looks at the Judge mutinously): I don’t want to go with that man.

Judge: Go with him child, your father will buy you lots of chocolates.

Child: I don’t eat chocolates.

Judge: What do you eat?

Child: I only eat my meals.

Judge: Okay, your father will take you to a nice restaurant for lunch. Go with him.

Child: Why? So that he can tell me how much money he has to spend on me?

Judge: (Frustrated + had run out of ideas) Your father is not going to say anything of that sort.

At which the father interrupted…

Father: The mother has tutored the child to say these things.

The Judge realizing that drama would unfold immediately sent the couple and child to the conciliation room to convince the child to spend one hour with his father.

10 minutes later child rushes into the Court Hall…

Child: JUDGE UNCLE… you said he wouldn’t yell, come to that room he is yelling at my mom and me… do you really want me to go with him even now? I won’t go… I won’t go… I won’t go…


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