Giving credit where it is due.
Chethan Bhagath is not an inspiring author. His writing doesn’t affect me in anyway and even if I miss a few pages in his book I will not have missed anything important. But in spite of his un-influencing presence in my life I must admit that he is right. 3 idiots is a rip off from his book. [Whether the book is good or bad is not the question. The question here is whether the story has been lifted off his book. Yes, it most definitely has. I am sure being an author he is probably hurting very badly now given that 5 Point someone was his first book and gave him instant fame.]
What surprises me is that the movie makers are claiming that the story is not at all taken from 5 PS, “ just the basic theme of 3 friends in college”. That is most certainly bull crap. Why? For the following reasons:
- Sharman Joshi’s character has been completely lifted off from the book. From the weeping mother, to the sister to the dowry and yes the attempt at suicide as well. Oh wait the father should not be forgotten here.
- Rancho on the other hand got the meatiest role because he got to play quite a major role of the characters - Hari and Ryan from the book. Let’s not forget that Hari dates the Profs Daughter. Ryan rescues the roomies from the ragging. Alok moves out of the room to bask in the shadow of the overly studious student and then comes back to the trio.
- That the Profs son would have made 3 attempts at qualifying to join the college. The Profs son commits suicide by coming under a train. He leaves his sister a suicide note.
- A student commits suicide in the book because of academic pressure.
- The vodka (RUM in the movie) drinking on the roof top.
Admitted that the movie makers did twist the tale slightly, but that is only because they had to add a little bit of Bollywood mirch masala. Otherwise 3 idiots is 5 PS all the way. And the movie makers are not fooling anyone by claiming the whole movie as an original idea.
Further Chetan Bhagath does deserve the credit for the book and the movie. His name should have been mentioned more prominently in the credits. These days they do not roll the whole of the credits at the end of the movie and hence people who haven’t read the book will not know who inspired the movie makers.
But then again I don’t see why CB should be worried at all, even people who aren’t his fans sympathize with him.
At the end of the day he should tell the movie makers just 3 words – Res ipsa loquitur.
simple 2-way back-scratching