A Story, A Lesson & The Rains

A Story

Once upon a time in a land far far away people were busy figuring out how to survive a major economical crisis called Recession. People panicked and there was undeniably chaos all over the land. But people are people, after a while they accept things as they are and continue with life. But it wasn’t to be so. These people faced another crisis - Swine Flu. People again panicked. People always seem to panic at the slightest tipping of the scale. They enjoy equilibrium so much that going slightly off balance is a catastrophe. Anyway in this land that I am talking about there were certain parts that were soon seeing people dropping dead because of afore mentioned flu. Soon the flu spread to every part of the land. More panic, more stupidity surfaced. People are stupid. It is the universal truth. One person reads something. Narrates the same to another and the chain progresses from there. By the time every living being has heard the story you will find different versions of what may or may not have been the original story. Who is to come forward and verify the contents of these stories? What if the person who first told the story dies in some tragic accident? Then what? Here is what happened in the land. People started buying the flu fighting drug as a precaution thus leading to a shortage of the drug for those who actually needed it. Hoarding medicine because you think you might need it is the height of stupidity. Then there are people who started equating Tamiflu with wealth. The chances of a persons survival on this planet was the amount of the drug they had to protect them. The mind is a curious place. But I am not going to talk about that. But I have learnt that in the face of a crisis - people are very paranoid, people can’t read instructions when they are scared, they can’t understand instructions when being told the same by a reasonably sensible person and that is why we must bring back the festival of fools like they did in Hunchback of Notre-Dame there is some serious competition for the prize. I am surprised that there are no songs written about the swine flu yet. Maybe I should write one. I have never written a song may be this my chance. I am sure it will hit the world chart if I do it right. :D Something to work on. All is well in the land, it is the people that need to learn to head to the play ground and enjoy the seesaw instead of weighing every step they take.

A Lesson

Past week has been very educational. There are plenty of things that I have learnt. I realize that I don’t have a clear idea on certain things as some of my other friends do. Narcissist is one of my nicest friends and he and I were talking about a mutual friend who has been married for almost a year now. The Narcissist has not been talking much to her since she got married. Apparently husbands get very curious about why a certain guy is talking to a married woman. [ You see there is nothing for a married woman and an unmarried guy to discuss.] Hence the Narcissist just talks to her when they meet and doesn’t call her and talk. I phoo phooed this silly idea he had been carrying around. Then one day I called up the married friend and she was telling me how her husband expects her to take his permission whenever she goes out. [Dark Ages.] [Lesson number 1. On why I should shut my mouth.] I of course had to give her gyan on what a totally ridiculous habit that is. [It was like talking to a wall. Everything I said was rebounding.] She likes the fact that her husband cares so much about her. She has no problem with him being so possessive. Who am I to argue that? I did the next best thing. I spoke to my friend the Loser. Now this guy boasts a lot about “Understanding” women. According to him women like it when their partners/husbands are being possessive. Any lack of possessiveness makes us women insecure. This is fine and accepted as a normal course for every relationship when all is going well. The moment rough weathers hit the Happy Hearty island we women use the “My man was being so possessive I just had to get away…” excuse to end a relationship. [I can’t argue this either, because I know people who have done that.] Hence according to him my married friend is actually very happy and will take her sweet time to realize that marriages go through changes as time goes and she will learn the art of having her husband agree to everything she wants. [He also thinks I’ll start pitying her husband then.] I’ll just have to wait and watch. This is the part where I say there are always exceptions. Seriously possessiveness at any stage is not a good thing for either person.

The Rains

I also have proof now that I am the rain god’s favorite child. Every time I leave home and am half way to my destination it starts raining. Sometimes I would have covered 3/4ths of the distance. I never get the drizzle. It is always heavy down pour. It’s like there are people standing on the clouds trying to aim buckets of water at me. You hit her head you get 100 points! Bulls eye! So, by the time I am where I was heading, I am soaked and grumpy. I love the rains. I don’t mind the whole throw water on her game while I am heading home but while going somewhere and reaching there all drenched is not really fun. I have also noticed that the day I wear my [now not so] dainty jute slip-ons it is sure to rain. It has happened once even during the summer.

P.S: I did not name my friend, he named himself the Loser. His reasoning: People don’t expect much out of a person with that name.


mumofason said…
Loved your post!

Yeah I agree too, possessiveness at any stage of a relationship is definitely bad.

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