The Adult Thing

Adulthood in other words is responsibility. What does one who doesn’t want any responsibility do once they hit their 20’s? It's very scary when people plainly assume that plans post ones graduation will and should and must include marriage. When conversations with friends reach a point where we start talking about marriage and babies is scarier. I don’t expect people in their 50’s to think beyond matrimony. According to them that is the best thing that can happen to anyone. [Gives them cheap pleasure in seeing more people suffer.] But when my own friends start talking about it, it makes me feel like we are growing up too fast and that there are so many things that I still want to do and haven't done yet.

*High Alert For Crankiness*

I don’t want to be responsible for another individual. I don’t want babies unless by the time I hit 30 they come in a customized manner which meets my satisfaction. I have a friend who said that love is being and wanting to be responsible for another person. I think love should be more of a diamonds and rust thing.

A couple of days back I had the strangest conversation which partly left me angry and partly confused. I really needed to talk to someone about it. I called up my best friend and while talking to her I realized that she has a boyfriend that I know she is going to marry. My other female friends in the circle are either engaged, going steady or are already married. It is also common knowledge that women tend to discuss EVERYTHING with their boyfriend/fiancé/husband. I am not comfortable knowing that my problem is going to be something that will be discussed. This realization hit me so hard. So I did the most dumb chick thing possible. I told my Ma about what was making me so angry and confused. I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it and as was expected she panicked. Mothers panic very easily. So here I am trying to sort things out and hoping to make sense to myself and completely failing at that.

Also now I am officially a member of the BAR. Too many adult things happening in one week.


Chaitra said…
guess what? i didn't discuss it with anyone... :)

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