Passion-Fruit and Banana Jam

We have a kitchen garden at home. My mom grows vegetables, a few fruits and other herbs in the garden. The passion fruit plant is a creeper and hence covers one portion of our wall and this plant bears its fruits in abundance but how much passion fruit juice can one drink? So, I decided to make passion fruit jam instead. When I did cut the fruits I found that some of them were very sour and since we had a bunch of over ripe bananas I decided to use them as well in the jam.

6-8 Passion fruits
3 Over ripe bananas
Jaggery (One lemon sized ball)

• In a blender mash the bananas.
• In a deep container add the banana pulp, the passion fruit pulp and mix well.
• Cook this mixture on a medium flame while constantly stirring.
• Taste the mixture to see if it requires sweetening. Since the passion fruit, though ripe, tasted sour I added jaggery.
• Let it cook till it starts leaving the sides.
• Once done, take it off the heat and let it cool.
• Once it cools down transfer it to an air tight container and refrigerate it.
• You can have it with toast and chapatis.

• I added jaggery instead of sugar because I was picking the healthier “sweetener”.
• The jam lasts for about six months when refrigerated. Since it has no preservatives I wouldn’t recommend letting it stay beyond six months.


Rohit said…
I have never heard of this, I think its also called Vitamin a drinks, it sounds very interesting, thanks for the info!! I will have to look it up and see if I can get it around here! I really love this drink, its so nice for made this juice. Thanks.
Thank you for these great healthy fruits smoothly drink recipes! Regarding the GGS, what would you recommend in place of the pear when they aren’t available? Thanks for all you do!

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