I forgive you.
A friend of
mine who is extremely concerned about me asked me why I never carry out all my
revenge seeking schemes. I make such elaborate plans in my head and, even when
I am thinking those thoughts, I know it is unrealistic. But the pleasure of
thinking them is all mine hence, I indulge in it. The unrealistic aspect of my
schemes renders them impractical ergo inexecutable. Just the fact that I did
what I wanted to them in my head is satisfaction enough, because I don’t have
to face the consequences of being accused, taken into custody and then
convicted. Prevents all the tax payers money from being splurged on a little
human who takes up very little space on the planet. Also there are so many ways
to harm someone in your mind and if you give your imagination a free rein,
there are such splendid possibilities. For your own personal viewing you can
execute every single plan. That would NEVER have been possible if in reality I
executed one course of revenge. THAT would have been the ONLY way. Whereas in
the confines of my mind I can do countless things and I am at liberty to change
the ending as I please. Though in almost all my schemes the ending is always
the same just the method of achieving it varies. But see, I can’t tell my
friend this, he’ll probably think I am mental, which I think I know I am,
though I manage to not let people know so at first glance or second or third or
fourth or fifth…
Instead I
tell my friend it is easy to forgive because then I am free to do as I please.
I am not bogged down by a grudge. That the secret pleasure in forgiving someone
is that you have unburdened yourself BUT if that person isn’t capable of that,
you are from that point of time wary of said trait. Ergo you wash your hands
off of that person and walk away free and light but that person will forever live
with that bit of him/her unless they opt to change. In most cases that I have
come across they don’t. Which is what makes forgiving so easy. I forgive so
that I don’t have to ever deal with that person again. EVER.
P.S: I find that in recent times I hesitate putting up blogs that I write and instead mail the friend because of whom I wrote the post or mail friends around me who know whats happening. Often what I write probably won't make sense to someone who is reading my blog without knowing me. But that's okay. That's a life lesson, everything around you is a cryptic clue. Go figure it out.