A la la la RANT A la la la rant la rant rant rant...

I’m in the mood for a rant. Do you enjoy a desk job? Do you enjoy the comforts of an AC and a person always enquiring if you need tea when you are really busy reading up on something and the wheels are turning in your head and just like that the interruption derails the train. Destination confusion. Because you can’t even yell at someone who is merely doing his job. I instead asked if it was okay if I made a cup for myself when I really needed it. I continued with my work ignoring the idea I had lost. Before I knew it I t was 1 o’clock. I decided to stroll around because I had been sitting for nearly 3 hours. I am not used to sitting that long. I am a fidgety human always on her feet. I don’t like being in a room behind a desk staring at a screen and pretending I care. I need to move about. My brain gets more blood to function when I pace or breathe fresh air. I hate sitting. That’s also why I quit my first job. I get head achy and cranky if I am to sit in a closed room. I got a little too cranky today. I don’t know if I have ever written about this. As lawyers we have what is called as Due Diligence. Two words I have come to hate. Six years back I remember two of my friends telling me how one hated and one loved DD. After having met a chunk of lawyers I have found that there is not a single one who is just OKAY with it. EVERYBODY is on either extreme. For once I fit in the normal graph. But I’m not ranting about DD, but DD requires plenty of in-house work which I hate. When you have such greenery, much amaze drama and most importantly people who you interact with without interacting why would one want to sit and type away at the keyboard? Have I mentioned I’m claustrophobic? I need to keep opening doors to check if I can run out.

I have done a lot of sitting this week and I am not too happy about it. Which is why I decided to ping a couple of my friends and told them, “I’m so bored, I have work but this is not what I had signed up for and I don’t know what to do! I’m sitting in the office and I haven’t seen a single court. Why the hell should I stay back to sit in a room all by myself and type all day!” (I know, too many exclamation points but I was at point where I couldn’t sit anymore.) Everybody else and I mean EVERYBODY there loves to sit and hate to move. I don’t get that. The classroom couldn’t cure me of my need to run around I don’t see how anybody else can. Except one of my friends took my whining on a different plane when she thought I was complaining about the work and didn’t realize that the whining stemmed from me having to sit all day. Apparently sitting at work all day is no big deal. Here I would like to pause and tip my hat to ALL corporate desk job workers and say, “You AMAZE me.” It is not a mystery as to why you work so hard sitting at your desk so that you can write a big fat cheque off to a gym that you go to so that you can exercise your bum when people like me get to do it at work. Sure it is not a big deal to sit all day. Except I am glad it is a big deal to me.

I think when women get pregnant their brain grows soft. There is no other explanation as to why my friend just didn’t get me. All I wanted to do was vent a little. I wasn’t complaining about the work I was doing I was just complaining about the amount I had to sit in a room when I could have spent at least a little of the time (without effecting the work I had at hand) out in the courts observing the proceedings which I know are slightly different from what I’m used to and I can bet are definitely far more interesting than what I have been doing these past 6 years.  

I can’t believe that after all this time I can still be so grossly misunderstood. But then again my friend is only human and I don’t need humans when I have a canine friend to talk to. (Thanks Maximus :*)

Lesson: You want to whine? Having a confusing day? Want to talk about it? Talk to the wall. The wall won’t talk back. The wall won’t care. The wall won’t try to understand and most importantly the wall won’t give a shit. Basically the wall is human except it won’t talk back. Get it?

I know this is a mean post. I know I am being terribly rude here. But I was just having a weird boring day and needed to talk and instead I am angry. That is no excuse for my rudeness but you know what? Right now, I give about as many fucks as the number of husbands I have.


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