Help me help myself, by believing that you are helping yourself.

I am not big on self-help books. I didn’t have an opinion on them until I read one. I always thought I wouldn’t read one because these books are categorized as “Self Help”. Enough said right? I mean why would one want to read a self-help book? When one can step out of their house to do whatever they want to?[I know you need legs to step out. If you have them step out. If you don’t have them figure out a way to step out. If you have legs but don’t know how to use them – I’ll imagine you as a baby between the age group of 1 day – 15 months old who is a prodigy and can read and chose my blog of all blogs to be educated about the world based on my constant rants on my life experiences. But if you aren’t in the age bracket I mentioned, please don’t try and contact me.]

The first thing about experiencing anything is to actually get out there and do whatever the hell it is that your brain is prompting you to do. There are three ways that this experiment can go – You fail or succeed and if you are that ickle baby then you can get run-over by a vehicle as soon as you step out of the safety of your compound (Thus, I wouldn’t recommend that for you.)

If you succeed in your endeavors it only acts a morale booster to go out more often and experiment with your social and networking skills in achieving your goals. If you fail then you just review your work and tinker with your plan and figure out if it is really viable or was a fart even before you began executing the idea. If you are that insy baby then I applaud your success, if you failed then don’t worry you have years ahead of you or days given that you might have been lucky the first time getting out of your house and not being run over. You might not be so lucky the second time around.

The basic idea is to put yourself out there and see what happens. [Baby, before you leave that house of yours, make sure you clear your browsing history I don’t want your parents knowing where you got your idea to step out of the house from.] Books like all the Self-help anonymous programs [Hi! I am x and I am an alcoholic, Hi! I am y and I am a douche, Hi! I am z and I am a loser] have the same 12 point plan that you should follow. I have always wondered what about people who are non believers like me? What about us? We get screwed over even before we hit point 2.

The thing about the very concept of self help is that they give you a list according to which you are supposed to live and do things and EVERYTHING will fall into place. They never mention hard work, failure, rejection, multiple attempts, experimenting, the fact that your idea from its inception is stupid [If your idea is to sell cans of preserved poop or something alike] or any other aspect that is closer to the reality than their advice in the book.

I for one don’t have a “LIST” of any kind. I don’t even have a bucket list or must travel to these places list or other lists that people my age seem to carry about with them. I like to be surprised by what my brain wakes up to in the mornings. Most often my experiences yield fun results.

The very concept of “Self-help Books” is an oxymoron no? I mean how are you helping yourself by buying a book written by someone who may or may not have a solution for your life problems but are in-fact helping the author by putting money in his/her pocket. Do you comprehend my point here?

Anyhow all I really want to know now is – Who moved my cheese? I’m pretty sure I didn’t eat the last cube. WHO MOVED IT?

P.S: I am not going to mention the name of the self-help book but if you are in dire need of one, I can give you mine for free.
P.P.S: The book was given to me at a camp in college. I DID NOT BUY IT!


Jay said…
Well Well... Looks like you're reading all the wrong books.

I am an avid reader of this genre and can assure you that its very diverse and equally effective.

Most interesting reads are those that border on science, philosophy and interpersonal effectiveness.

Lemme know if you need some reccos :P
Jayanth,I just read one and that pretty much put me off of the Self-Help books. I prefer being out there and experiencing life first hand.
Science and philosophy are exclusive of the self help genre.
But yeah if there is one book that you can recommend which would it be?

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