Barking, Bleating, Screaming AND Watching - 1
Benzer kept me company during exams. He was a German shepherd who was
neglected, never loved and never taken out for walks. His master fed him well
and the kids teased him. Benzer was ferocious and bad tempered but like all
dogs he was a very good listener. Benzer’s cage was right opposite my room
window which is why we had uninterrupted conversations which went on till late
in the night. We had a routine - 5 nights a month ( during unit tests), 3
weeks i.e once every 6 months ( 2 weeks prior to exams and 1 week of exams) He
could see the lights on in my room and he would wait for me to take my breaks
to talk to him, he would sit and listen. What did I do for Benzer? There was
one week every year that I would stay up late just to keep him calm. That was the
week that led to Bakrid. His master would get 3 goats that were tied near
Benzer’s cage. The goats would bleat and Benzer would bark. The animals knew
their fate and Benzer knew their fate too. The master’s kids would pet the
goats and feed them. On the eve of Bakrid it was difficult to go to sleep
because the bleating would be high pitched as if the goats were trying to beg
mercy and be spared. In the morning and the week that preceded the festivities
there would be an eerie silence that neither Benzer nor I could break.
3 years prior to being acquainted with Benzer I was a member of PFA. I
had helped rescue a stray dog and I got talked into being able to do more than
helping dogs. I was told I could help other animals too and I needn’t have to
do it alone. I went got me a membership and headed for my first protest. We
were protesting the sacrificing of a goat at a temple. We must have stalled the
ritual for more than 3 hours. Eventually the priest allowed us to take the
goat. There were shouts of hurrah and the crowd walked out of the temple. After
a short distance the volunteer freed the goat. I asked him who would give the
goat a home. He looked at me and said that as volunteers our job was to prevent
the slaughter. We weren’t told what we were supposed to do with the rescued
animal. [So the animal was set free for someone else to capture it and kill
it.] If I were the goat I think I would rather be slaughtered at the first
instance. Seriously imagine how the goats psyche could have been effected facing
death freedom recapture facing death prolonged wait to know its fate. Sheesh at
the end of the day the goat had but one destination. With that episode many
illusions were shattered and I just accepted animals being slaughtered.
Then one day I attended a wedding and since we were invited by the
groom’s family we had to sit in the groom’s section. It was a Muslim wedding so
the bride and the groom were having separate ceremonies. At one point the quazi
stood before the groom and did the “ nazar utharna”. [Warding off the evil eye]
The quazi was holding a bloody goats head in his hand with the blood still
dripping. Very sickening. I couldn’t eat that day.
A certain member of an affluent political party endorses a certain
animal protection group. [I still haven’t figured how to scratch out the name
after I type it on the blog. Apparently the command doesn’t work on the version
I use or I am just doing it wrong. Till then I have to abstain from using names
unless I want a defamation suit against me.] She has gone on to screech about
protecting the rights of cockroaches. Now we all know the rate at which
cockroaches multiply and are aware of their life span too. Taking all this into
consideration I really don’t think we’ll ever feel short of a pesky roach when
we need one to scare a friend. Some of the protests these groups go on makes me
wonder if they care for the animal in its own right or are just voicing their
opinion to be noticed. Because in the past decade people have “spoken” on
issues which concern animals like the diminishing population of the turtle’s on
the Gujarat coast or animals being slaughtered for their fur. But what
consequent plan came out of all the discussion? One does not know. Because
apparently again these groups notice problems debate about it feel they have
done enough and move on to another problem. But see they feel they have
achieved something because they spoke about it. But in fact they are no
different from you and me. Because we see the problem and move on where as they
notice the problem make others believe they will solve the problem and that is
well the end of their efforts in doing anything. (Subsequently we haven’t done
anything and have saved our breath, they have done nothing either.) [What gives
me the authority to speak so about NGO’s? Simple – Been there – done that. ]
Who ever said that social work is meant to improve the conditions of the
underprivileged? It is just a bunch of wannabes who scream and think they are
making a point and feel satisfied about their opinions and think that they are
far superior to us non thinking, non-volunteering simply sitting on our rump
kind of people.