Whodunit? - The other side of the story

"In journalism, there has always been a tension between getting it first and getting it right."

Dear Journalists and police,
IF( and this is a very big if) after what you
  • Crowding the court halls causing commotion without letting advocates represent their cases and then started foul mouthing the advocates. Resorted to blows. Threw around the court furniture. Man handled innocent advocates. Abused a judge. Burnt vehicles belonging to advocates and judges and you still have the gall to label lawyers as “Black Coat Bullies”? If the lawyers were actually how you have portrayed them in your papers and channels then the lawyers would have had no qualms about trashing every news room in the state.
  • Portrayed a sad story of media persons being beaten black and blue by advocates. Airing half truths and only a part of the commotion that took place without investigating into the matter completely and branding advocates as goondas/hooligans/bullies. Only to find out after 72 hours from the time the incident occurred that over 200 black coats were purchased two days prior to the incident. That the media had in fact just wanted to be the first to show the world how bad advocates are without even bothering to find out if the people in Black Coats were in fact lawyers. Bravo! Media you just showed the world the true meaning of “responsible journalism”
  • Refused to tell the world about how it all started and who the real miscreants were. Sticking to belittling a profession instead of trying to go to the core of the matter and investigating about the whole incident.
  • I’d say media you did everything except your job.

So who is the bully? I’ll leave that to your conscience. Oh wait a minute! I forgot you don’t have one.

Sincerely yours,
Ashwini Shenoy

“The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything. Except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands.” -Oscar Wilde


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