My Special Best Friends...

I love animals and dogs rank first in my list of favourite animals. They have an affinity towards me which is reciprocated. I don't remember any time in my childhood that has gone by without me having made a canine friend. First there was Mary a stray who became our guard dog. All we did was feed her and pet her, she in turn guarded the house and accompanied my brother and me when ever we were out playing. She always used to lookout for us. She looked like a white lab crossed with a stray. An extremely well mannered dog. When she had her first litter, we were the only kids privileged to play with them when they were merely days old. Her pups bonded with us in no time. But since she was a stray we didn't have any say over her pups. People came and took the male pups. The remaining pups... well they met with tragic ends. I don't really want to get into details about that. But there were two puppies named Kappi ( because she looked and behaved like a monkey) and Thufan( because she used to come running full speed when she saw either my brother or me). It was such a fun time with them, we used to do all sorts of crazy things, run aimlessly with the pups following us, picking them up and cradling them like babies, talking to them in their language.[:)] It's a wonder that they tolerated us. Then came Peetu, he was really old when I first met him, but we struck a fast friendship. We had a happy howling time. He was a Casanova and yet such a sweet heart, he never used to dive in and grab food from other dogs. He was a like a perfect gentleman, I've never once seen him growl or chase kids. He knew the whole street was his territory and the other dogs respected that. He always had his harem following him when he knew it was dinner time. Food was something that he always shared. He also was a great dad, he protected his little ones from other dogs. He was like this family man, who not only protected his clan but also the people he liked. When I used to make trips to the library, he'd faithfully wait for me till I finished selecting my book, then we'd walk home. He'd wait till I was inside and then part. He knew his job well, he loved what he did and everybody just loved him. Then came Aishwarya, oh this dog was sho pretty! I mean she did the most adorable things. She used to observe my behaviour with Fenny and she used to imitate Fenny. Fenny loves a good tummy rub, so in a happy mood she's sure to expect a tummy rub from me followed by a conversation in a language which is meant only for her and me. When Aishwarya used to see me she'd just roll over and her tail would go in a frenzy. There were a string of little puppy friends too. I came across this new litter of pups, the mother looked really sad. So I started feeding her and the pups. The pups used to eagerly wait for me, there were 5 in all, I had named them Puppydum, Pappadam, Poppadum, Parappadum and Padappadum. They used to yelp and wag their tiny tails and they looked so adorable. Its really sad that people don't adopt dogs from the street or at least feed them properly or just be kind to them. Its not like one has to go out of the way to do things. Little things like giving them leftovers or bones to chew isn't asking much.

There was this one time I saw a tiny pup crying in the middle of the road and no amount of petting would stop it. I picked it and put in my cycle basket. I had a ladybird cycle and the basket served its purpose well. I took it home and announced that I'd got home a pet and that we all just have to accept it and be nice to the poor thing. I went on advocating as to why we have to keep the pup.I Described to my mom the circumstances under which I'd found it and how I just couldn't leave it there and pretend that the puppy was no concern of mine. You'd think mothers would buy this and say, "Yes, bring the puppy in, I'm glad you did what you did." But ooooooooh noooooooo, my mom placed an ultimatum, she said," get in without the mutt or get out with the mutt." No amount of puppy sad faces, pouting or telling that "god is watching YOU" would make my mom change her stand. I took the puppy to Peetu and the kind hearted guy that he was, happily took the mutt into his circle.

I also remember having this cranky neighbour who despised children. My friends and I used to play this crazy game and sometimes the ball would land in cranky aunty's precious garden. There were these two ferocious dogs that they had. No one dared to go retrieve the ball. The next day we'd find the ball cut into half stuffed with kitchen waste. ( The lady was a sadist!) It was about time we devised our revenge. I took the initiative of "trying" to befriend the dogs. I started by giving them tit bits and letting them know I was no threat to them or their house. But they were smart, they didn't let me step into the compound without making a loud announcement of my attempts to trespass. Then came the day, my mom had to visit the lady's house and I offered to accompany her. When we entered the dogs began with their barking. My mom went in and I decided to hang around outside still trying to attempt a friendship. Then uncle came out and introduced me as a friend to the dogs. They then let me pet them and he allowed me to play with them.(He he he) The opportunity to test our friendship came really soon, the ball landed in cranky aunty's garden amidst her precious begonias. I whistled to the dogs and they came running, I said one magic word, "fetch" and voila! I Had the ball back. The dogs started enjoying this game session with us kids and since then cranky aunty never cut or rather never had an opportunity to stuff our compound with her kitchen waste. Oh if she ever discovers...


mumofason said…
Nice memories :) The five 'dums' were nicely named too. I quite agree with you. Whay do people not adopt pups from the roadside, when it is those doggos who are actually the best guard dogs ever. My Bubbles was one for instance and now Zoya!
lol@sadist aunty. Nice way of getting over the cranky woman :)

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