No One Killed Jessica

First off this movie has two women in the lead sans a man. So, one’s expectations are but naturally high. When I saw the promos I thought, NICE finally a bolly flick without a man flaunting his waxed chest. But by the end of the movie I was thoroughly disappointed. Rani Mukherji who plays the reporter comes off as a potty mouth. She is playing the role of a media person a.k.a television journalist. I have friends who are journalists in print and T.V and I enjoy the word play that ensues in our conversations. I know for a fact that the “F” and “B” word were used as often as they were to compensate for the lack of testosterone in the movie. Here is a woman playing a journalist, the least I expect is some witty comeback… and no “Fly solo” is not a comeback and definitely not something for which the crowd needed to hoot so loudly. If expletives were ever wittily used here is one fantastic example of how not to use them! She was beyond disappointing… pathetic would be more like it. Vidya B...