Passion-Fruit and Banana Jam

We have a kitchen garden at home. My mom grows vegetables, a few fruits and other herbs in the garden. The passion fruit plant is a creeper and hence covers one portion of our wall and this plant bears its fruits in abundance but how much passion fruit juice can one drink? So, I decided to make passion fruit jam instead. When I did cut the fruits I found that some of them were very sour and since we had a bunch of over ripe bananas I decided to use them as well in the jam. Ingredients: 6-8 Passion fruits 3 Over ripe bananas Jaggery (One lemon sized ball) Method: • In a blender mash the bananas. • In a deep container add the banana pulp, the passion fruit pulp and mix well. • Cook this mixture on a medium flame while constantly stirring. • Taste the mixture to see if it requires sweetening. Since the passion fruit, though ripe, tasted sour I added jaggery. • Let it cook till it starts leaving the sides. • Once done, take it off the heat and let it cool...