I forgive you.

A friend of mine who is extremely concerned about me asked me why I never carry out all my revenge seeking schemes. I make such elaborate plans in my head and, even when I am thinking those thoughts, I know it is unrealistic. But the pleasure of thinking them is all mine hence, I indulge in it. The unrealistic aspect of my schemes renders them impractical ergo inexecutable. Just the fact that I did what I wanted to them in my head is satisfaction enough, because I don’t have to face the consequences of being accused, taken into custody and then convicted. Prevents all the tax payers money from being splurged on a little human who takes up very little space on the planet. Also there are so many ways to harm someone in your mind and if you give your imagination a free rein, there are such splendid possibilities. For your own personal viewing you can execute every single plan. That would NEVER have been possible if in reality I executed one course of revenge. THAT would have been...