Gully Boy - Rhythm & Lyrics

Image courtesy YouTube There was so much hype because of the movie's soundtrack that I knew I'd be watching it. We went for the 10:45 show last night and boy was it good! Usually when I watch boring movies at night read- Manmarziyan, I go home and hit the sack and I'm out. When a movie pumps you up it's harder to go back to sleep. If you go into this movie thinking it will have a story you've never watched before, then you are wrong because there have been many movies made on underdogs. This movie is different because of rap and lyrics. Don't we all like a good song to sing when we are angry and upset or when we need some morale boosting without preaching? Murad played by Ranveer Singh loves his mother, brother and granny. His relationship with his father on the other hand is troubled. Beyond the family he has his friends Moeen, Salman and others and his girlfriend Safina played by Aliaa Bhat. Murad and Safina have been dating for 9 years behind their parents ba...